Tarot Card Reading for June 7-13, 2015


Ten of Arrows ♣ Instruction

Depicted is a man teaching his son how to hold and shoot a small bow and arrow. This card requires us to reflect upon our relationships with our children, and our interactions with the young people of today. Or, if you are a young person, to be open to the wisdom of the older generations.

Today’s youth are immersed in technology everyday. Smartphones and tablets, video games and Netflix, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snap Chat consume their days. It may feel as if you’re losing touch with your children at times, or if the divide between generations is growing wider as today’s youth absorb and apply ever more complex technologies with bewildering speed and uncanny ease.

While technology serves a higher purpose in the advancement of society and connecting us to the Whole Wide World, we must make an effort to connect with our children and pass on traditional wisdom and skills with love and tolerance. Interacting with our children and teaching them are gifts of shared experience and patience.

Our kids need us to lead by example. The pride in achievement and responsibility present in good parenting, is anchored in the gift of instruction. All generations, and society as a whole, lose out, and will suffer, if we fail to bridge the gap and answer this calling.

Shared bonding experiences are called for right now. Kids are on summer vacation while many just celebrated graduation and are preparing for the next step in their journey. Find ways to give your time, attention, and instruction to a young person this week. Make plans for ways to disconnect from technology over the summer and make memories. The real kind. Not the Facebook status no one will remember 3 months from now. Your kids are depending on you, and looking up to you, even if it appears they are not.

How will you influence a child this week?

Love & Light

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